Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crying Shame

When we went to Walmart the other day, Lucy had a pair of pink sunglasses on. As we were getting out of the car, she pushed them up onto her head and asked if she could wear them into the store. She looked so cute with them on, so I let her bring them. I must have forgotten my rule of never, ever, ever bringing anything into the store. The whole time we were shopping, I would look at her and say now where are your glasses? We went looking for them and found them three different times. Finally, as we were leaving the store, I looked and she didn't have them. I did remember where she had set them down just moments before, but when we went back they were gone. So Lucy got her first lesson about being on the losing end of that old familiar phrase. Finders keepers, losers....well just look at her.


  1. We have the same rule. Now after four kids, the rule has been expanded to not bringing anything in the car either. Well, two days ago, Henry brought a small McDonald's toy into Deseret Industries in his pocket against my knowledge. After we left, he started screaming for his toy. "Too bad!" was my response as I kept driving down the street. (Like we would EVER find an old McDonald's toy amongst all the D.I. garbage!)

  2. So the other day, Andie and I finally had our pedicure date. She wanted to keep the envelope that the gift card came in and put it in her pocket for "safe" keeping while we picked up some things at walmart after getting our toes done. As we were leaving, she realized that it was gone and immediately burst into alligator tears. This time I actually did feel bad for her but there was no way I was going back into walmart to find it. It could have been anywhere. It is so funny how all moms have that story.

  3. Now that I think about it, Mia had on a pair of Pink sunglasses at the store the other day that she wore pushed up on her head. She looked cute too and unfortunately we had the same sad outcome.
