Friday, November 28, 2008


Our friends Ryan and Michelle are in town and today they invited us over to their parents' house. They had Sumo suits!!! That's Ryan in the red and Nate in the blue. (Sorry for the quality. It was taken with my phone.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reasons Not to Iron

As if anyone needs a reason not to iron. I have never felt like I even know how to iron, let alone the fact that I just don't like doing it. But today, I was a good little wifey and decided to repair some clothes and iron some other ones. I set up the ironing board in the living room, where I had a partial view of Luke and Lucy watching TV in the other room. Everything seemed nice and quiet until I decided to go look in on them. As I walked in the room, Lucy held up something small and exclaimed, "Look what Lukey did!" with an accusatory tone in her voice. It didn't take me long to realize that it was a key from the laptop that had been left out on the couch! After I pulled my hands away from the sides of my face, I examined the (newish) computer and found that Luke had pried off a bunch of keys - 6 and 2 halfs to be exact. I was sweating and freaking out while I looked closely at the keys to see if any little parts had snapped off. After I got the hang of how they should go back on, I turned and looked at Luke, who already knew he was in big trouble. He got his poor dimpled little hand spanked and he had to listen to a stern scolding.

Is it wrong to take pictures of my kid while I'm lecturing him?

Now Nate is reading this on his laptop and looking to see if he can tell which keys were severed. He's lucky he wasn't here to see the laptop with bare spots where keys should be.

By the way, dear. I ironed your purple dress shirt so you can wear it with your Suns ties on game day. Gotta support the team. Go suns.