Here are some random photos of what the kids have been up to lately.
Luke with his bruise that is almost constantly there - the badge of any walker with a learners permit.
Jane made this lego house. It's complete with a sofa, a bed and a big screen TV on the inside. She ran out of legos before the house got a roof.
Clean hair. Rare.
Friday, May 30, 2008
One Year Wiser
So yesterday was my birthday - 31! I kind of liked turning 30 last year, but now I feel like I look every bit 31 and I'm not interested in seeing how 32 I look next year. Seriously though, I don't really care how old I look. I do think we should take the phrase "Another year wiser" to heart and just go by that, like a points system. Instead of the question "How old are you?" We would ask, "How wise are you? Oh, 31? Wow, that's great! I'm only 25. I wish I was as wise as you."
The kids, of course, love a birthday, so they gave me some cute picture frames with photos of themselves that Nate helped them with. They tried hard all day to be good and told me Happy Birthday about every 10 minutes. Jane took this birthday photo of me. Then Nate came home at lunch time with a babysitter and took me away for the rest of the afternoon. After the kids were in bed, Nate brought me Chinese food and we ate it in front of the TV while we watched the 2 hour L O S T finale. The best birthday activity ever. I guess your opinion of what makes for an exciting birthday evening changes with age - er, wisdom.
New Episodes
This blogger hasn't necessarily been on strike, but the Union (family) has kept me busy lately. Plus I've still been painting kitchen cabinets. The cabinets are done and the walls got some color too.
Now that school is over, Jane is driving me crazy with the "Mom, what can I do"? and the "Mom where are we going today"? The girl just requires way more stimulation than she can provide herself, so it's my job to make sure she has enough to do. I have come up with a detailed schedule telling her what she should be doing nearly every hour of every day. I'm pretty sure this will help me avoid those grating questions, but I'm also fairly certain that she won't stick to it. Now she will know what she's supposed to be doing, but she will sit on the couch and play Mario Kart wii instead.
Jane's Graduation *snort*
Jane with her teacher, Mrs. Musselman
Friday, May 02, 2008
My Knees Are Great
I heard Lucy singing her version of the second verse of "I Am a Child of God" to herself. Does she wonder why she sings about her knees in primary? Probably seems normal since they also sing about her head, shoulders, knees and toes.
I haven't had much to blog about lately since every moment of free time has been spent painting my cabinets. I didn't appreciate the fact that my kitchen has lots and lots of cabinets until I had to coat each side of each door with paint 3 times. We did get away last weekend to go to our ward campout. It's the first ward campout we have ever been on. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was actually pretty fun! It was really low key without a bunch of lame structured activities. We were glad for the trial run with the trailer to make sure it's ready for our big trip to southern Colorado this summer. ☻
I haven't had much to blog about lately since every moment of free time has been spent painting my cabinets. I didn't appreciate the fact that my kitchen has lots and lots of cabinets until I had to coat each side of each door with paint 3 times. We did get away last weekend to go to our ward campout. It's the first ward campout we have ever been on. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was actually pretty fun! It was really low key without a bunch of lame structured activities. We were glad for the trial run with the trailer to make sure it's ready for our big trip to southern Colorado this summer. ☻
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