Wednesday, April 02, 2008

From the Archives

I was looking through some of our old pictures and saw this one of Lucy. She's our mischievous child. I only have a few pictures of some of the terrible things she's done because most of them are too distressing to stop and take pictures. Two days ago, she opened a new jug of laundry detergent and spilled a BUNCH of it on the laundry room floor. Luke patted and splashed in it while Lucy wiped it all over the place in an attempt to clean it up. No pictures of that. It was "2x Concentrated." I found out that means "really hard to clean up." Anyway, this photo of my little white haired granny was taken after she had found a big jar of vaseline in her room (we used it for diaper rash). She went around her room and up and down the hall scooping blobs of it out and flinging them on the carpet. Her sun dress was so covered in vaseline that it looked wet. Her hair looked the same way, so I put her in the tub and shampooed like crazy. After drying her hair, it looked exactly the same as before! For future reference, the way to get vaseline out of hair is to rub cornstarch into it while it's dry. The cornstarch binds to the vaseline and can then be shampooed out. It works, but it takes a few tries. The sun dress hit the trash. The carpet still bears the scars.


  1. i had never seen that picture! i remember when that happened though. the detergent thing sounds no fun! i miss lucy - give a kiss for me!

  2. Wow--all these new posts! I am glad--they are fun to read--I love the sense of humor. I can't believe Lucy! You are right...sometimes there isn't the thought process to stop and take a picture!

  3. That does NOT sound fun!! But it is funny...mostly because it's at your house...not mine!!


