A Special Space
To find a Forever Home
A Horse
To stop hitting
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LadySports Full Wrestling videos
A newspaper for Paul Johnston headlining all actions and thoughts between Hailee and Paul.
Timberland Tall Boots
A Labrador Retriever
52 Perfect Days
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Nate Needs ...
Go to google and google " (Your name ) needs" and write down the first 10 things:
1. Nate needs help.
2. Nate needs a haircut.
3. Nate needs explosive thermal detonating muffins to fight evil. (I swear that was in there. I can't make this stuff up.)
4. Nate needs your votes.
5. Needs to Make More Plays to Earn His Salary. (Huh?)
6. Nate needs an assistant.
7. Nate needs a permanent home.
8. Nate needs a strong human pack leader who will teach him boundaries.
9. Nate needs a job.
10. Nate needs a car.
Try it. It's pretty funny.
1. Nate needs help.
2. Nate needs a haircut.
3. Nate needs explosive thermal detonating muffins to fight evil. (I swear that was in there. I can't make this stuff up.)
4. Nate needs your votes.
5. Needs to Make More Plays to Earn His Salary. (Huh?)
6. Nate needs an assistant.
7. Nate needs a permanent home.
8. Nate needs a strong human pack leader who will teach him boundaries.
9. Nate needs a job.
10. Nate needs a car.
Try it. It's pretty funny.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
This post is mainly for Allison and Sommer who couldn't make it to Katelyn's baby shower. It's also for me because I think everything turned out so cute!

Pretty food and cotton candy (made by my Dad).

Appliqued onesies double as party decorations

Grandma Jackson, Aunt Jennifer and Camryn sharing treats.

Pretty food and cotton candy (made by my Dad).

Appliqued onesies double as party decorations

Grandma Jackson, Aunt Jennifer and Camryn sharing treats.

Don't look at Katelyn's expression. Look at the sweater. I made it!
Katelyn likes the dress sent all the way from Utah.
My New Blog
Good News! I have started a new blog for my photography and for a 365 day photo challenge! Please subscribe to the blog so I'll feel the pressure to keep it updated! Those of you who know our prior blogging record may be sceptical about my ability to post every day, but give me the benefit of the doubt and head on over to see my first post! I'm hoping that the excessive use of exclamation points will add to the excitement and entice you to check back often! Go here!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
25 things...
1. I use to play the Violin. I was just ok at it. Keep in mind though that when your kids start playing the violin there is what sounds like “nails on a chalkboard” screeching for about a year.
2. I have more guns than I would like to admit. (7…I think)
3. I watch My Fair Lady when it comes on TV. (I would never intentionally put such a girly movie on but if I am channel surfing I’ll stop and watch).
4. I dunked a basketball…once. I have witnesses. It was awesome.
5. I have been mugged. (I was 13 and was puking behind a building at the State Fair and some guy tried to take my hat. He didn’t get it)
6. My parents got arrested in a Russian airport and I got them out by telling the police they were stupid Americans. Yes I guess I called my mother stupid, but it got her out of jail. Two things I thought I would never do: call my mother stupid and get my mother out of jail.
7. I have never kissed anyone besides my wife.
8. I love using public transportation. In fact, I got the best grades I ever had when I rode the bus.
9. I fell asleep and missed my transfer on the bus and went all the way to the MAYO clinic (It was far). The bus driver kicked me off the bus and said he was on break (I was the only one on). I got back on after his break and was about 2 hours late getting home.
10. Some people probably know this but I married my best friend’s girlfriend. To me that’s not the funny part. The funny part is, 10 years later, we are still best friends. He was even the Best Man at my wedding. ("The Better Man")
11. I love the beach but I cannot stand being sandy. It gets everywhere! Nooks and crannies that you didn’t know you had! It stays in your ears for weeks!
12. I can’t stand cockroaches. Big ones. I once had one fly and hit me in the forehead and other time I looked down in the shower and one had crawled all the way up to my knee. Nasty.
13. I have watched the same SportsCenter 4 times in a row. (They replay them on a loop in the morning) Da na na… Da na na
14. My first year at GCC I took Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday classes so I could go to BYU on the weekends. I flew for free. (One of the classes was co-ed volleyball. What a great class.) One time I didn’t spend a dime thanks to a fellow blogger finding me a ride and the girls at Helaman feeding us. I guess it would have been a totally free weekend but my dad wouldn’t come and pick me up from the airport so I had to shell out $17 bucks for a Super Shuttle. I am still mad about that one.
15. I sing Sweet Child O Mine loudly every time it comes on.
16. I once caught a huge 6 lb. 18" bass with my bare hands at Canyon Lake. I felt like a bear catching salmon. I smacked it out of the water and onto the shore. *Grrrrrr*
17. I wore bifocals from the age of 4 to about 12. They were coke bottles. Really thick, really nerdy.
18. I like Coke better than Pepsi but Diet Pepsi better than Diet Coke but Dr. Pepper is all I really drink.
19. I was Pre-Med for about a year and then I realized I didn't want to go to that much school. I also realize that this is not unique to me. I think everybody is pre-"something" and realizes that it's too much school and does something else.
20. My first car was brand new (15 miles on it but I put 12 of them on during the test drive) and it was completely paid for. So much for that. That will never happen again.
21. I know Excel better than anyone I know. Here’s a tip. If you have to add a bunch of cells up, try Alt and the “=”. See what happens.
22. I love the Suns. I love to watch basketball. I am really good at it too (Watching it). I suck at playing it.
23. I once changed the oil in both of my cars in under 30 minutes. Which reminds me, I think I am overdue to change them now.
24. I want a blackberry, really bad. Is that wrong?
25. This list was brutal. I can’t believe I did it. In high school or college I would have probably done only 15 or 20 and hope for a “B”. I guess when you work full time, married with kids at home a “B” is ok. Right?
BTW - Tag Hailee you're it.
2. I have more guns than I would like to admit. (7…I think)
3. I watch My Fair Lady when it comes on TV. (I would never intentionally put such a girly movie on but if I am channel surfing I’ll stop and watch).
4. I dunked a basketball…once. I have witnesses. It was awesome.
5. I have been mugged. (I was 13 and was puking behind a building at the State Fair and some guy tried to take my hat. He didn’t get it)
6. My parents got arrested in a Russian airport and I got them out by telling the police they were stupid Americans. Yes I guess I called my mother stupid, but it got her out of jail. Two things I thought I would never do: call my mother stupid and get my mother out of jail.
7. I have never kissed anyone besides my wife.
8. I love using public transportation. In fact, I got the best grades I ever had when I rode the bus.
9. I fell asleep and missed my transfer on the bus and went all the way to the MAYO clinic (It was far). The bus driver kicked me off the bus and said he was on break (I was the only one on). I got back on after his break and was about 2 hours late getting home.
10. Some people probably know this but I married my best friend’s girlfriend. To me that’s not the funny part. The funny part is, 10 years later, we are still best friends. He was even the Best Man at my wedding. ("The Better Man")
11. I love the beach but I cannot stand being sandy. It gets everywhere! Nooks and crannies that you didn’t know you had! It stays in your ears for weeks!
12. I can’t stand cockroaches. Big ones. I once had one fly and hit me in the forehead and other time I looked down in the shower and one had crawled all the way up to my knee. Nasty.
13. I have watched the same SportsCenter 4 times in a row. (They replay them on a loop in the morning) Da na na… Da na na
14. My first year at GCC I took Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday classes so I could go to BYU on the weekends. I flew for free. (One of the classes was co-ed volleyball. What a great class.) One time I didn’t spend a dime thanks to a fellow blogger finding me a ride and the girls at Helaman feeding us. I guess it would have been a totally free weekend but my dad wouldn’t come and pick me up from the airport so I had to shell out $17 bucks for a Super Shuttle. I am still mad about that one.
15. I sing Sweet Child O Mine loudly every time it comes on.
16. I once caught a huge 6 lb. 18" bass with my bare hands at Canyon Lake. I felt like a bear catching salmon. I smacked it out of the water and onto the shore. *Grrrrrr*
17. I wore bifocals from the age of 4 to about 12. They were coke bottles. Really thick, really nerdy.
18. I like Coke better than Pepsi but Diet Pepsi better than Diet Coke but Dr. Pepper is all I really drink.
19. I was Pre-Med for about a year and then I realized I didn't want to go to that much school. I also realize that this is not unique to me. I think everybody is pre-"something" and realizes that it's too much school and does something else.
20. My first car was brand new (15 miles on it but I put 12 of them on during the test drive) and it was completely paid for. So much for that. That will never happen again.
21. I know Excel better than anyone I know. Here’s a tip. If you have to add a bunch of cells up, try Alt and the “=”. See what happens.
22. I love the Suns. I love to watch basketball. I am really good at it too (Watching it). I suck at playing it.
23. I once changed the oil in both of my cars in under 30 minutes. Which reminds me, I think I am overdue to change them now.
24. I want a blackberry, really bad. Is that wrong?
25. This list was brutal. I can’t believe I did it. In high school or college I would have probably done only 15 or 20 and hope for a “B”. I guess when you work full time, married with kids at home a “B” is ok. Right?
BTW - Tag Hailee you're it.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Don't Adjust Your Screen
Your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, it's a new post from our long-silent blog! After the super busy rush of family photo shoots that happened well into December, I spent the rest of the month avoiding my camera altogether and soaking up the Christmas activities with my kids. It has taken me a long time to get Christmas decorations put away and catch up on many many things that have been put off for too long. But I was obliged to dust off my camera last week when I photographed my little sister's growing belly and I was reminded of the fun photos that have been sitting in my camera. Click to see them big!

My family has always liked the light parade that happens at the beginning of December, but other obligations usually prevent us from going. This year, we all decided we definitely wanted to go. There was much shirking of prior commitments, but everyone made it and we had a splendid time sipping hot cocoa and eating donuts while we watched the glittering lights.

I was pleased to host our family Christmas party, which actually happened a few days after Christmas so we could include Allison's family who drove down for an extended visit. It had been almost a year since we had seen my sister! That's really hard to get used to when I spent every day of my life with her growing up (and every night putting my legs on her when we shared a bed), and we lived only a few minutes away from each other since then. Seeing her just made the missing worse. *sniff*

Sommer's kids stole the show with their Chinmunks and their rendition of Jingle Bells.

Lots of presents were opened, and all the kids got to play together again.

My family has always liked the light parade that happens at the beginning of December, but other obligations usually prevent us from going. This year, we all decided we definitely wanted to go. There was much shirking of prior commitments, but everyone made it and we had a splendid time sipping hot cocoa and eating donuts while we watched the glittering lights.

I was pleased to host our family Christmas party, which actually happened a few days after Christmas so we could include Allison's family who drove down for an extended visit. It had been almost a year since we had seen my sister! That's really hard to get used to when I spent every day of my life with her growing up (and every night putting my legs on her when we shared a bed), and we lived only a few minutes away from each other since then. Seeing her just made the missing worse. *sniff*

Sommer's kids stole the show with their Chinmunks and their rendition of Jingle Bells.

Lots of presents were opened, and all the kids got to play together again.
I blog in my head all the time. Sometimes I even take pictures with the idea of blogging about them, but at the end of the day, I'm usually a tired mommy and it's much easier to just get in bed and eat something chocolatey. I should consider blogging in the morning...
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