Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Making Lemonade

You know what they say about life, and what to do when it gives you lemons - or a kid who is adamantly against potty training.

I was looking in the fridge for a tempting beverage to give to Luke so that I could flood his system and thereby provide plenty of opportunities for using the toilet today. I spied a big bag of lemons that I had bought on sale and decided to make lots of lemonade. Luke loves it, and needless to say, the bathroom has been busy today, but so has my washing machine.

Anyway, you know what they say about potty training. Practice makes piles of laundry.

Okay I made that up.


  1. Boys.. Sorry Hailee. I know! Just leave him out side in his own mess all day... oh wait that would be mean?

  2. ah! Good luck to Luke-y-boy. Venice hasn't made ANY progress!! I gave up on her...maybe 3 will be her magic number?

  3. Potty training a BOY is sooo hard! My only advice is patience, patience, patience - AND if after two weeks, he's not getting it, just give up. One day it will just click and he'll use the toilet no problem - without charts and rewards and coaxing....and lemonade.
