One aspect of our Colorado trip that we had to mention was Bowler Bucks. Knowing that we had a 10 hour drive we knew we had to create some incentive for being good on the trip. Hailee's parents had done this on some of their trips when she was little so we decided to try. Let me tell you it worked great. For every hour that you are good you get one Bowler Buck. We also had a "store" that would open up when we stopped (Gas stations, potty breaks, etc.) The store was filled with chapsticks, tootsie pops, little purses, sunglasses, card games, ring pops, notepad and pens (pretty much anything that I could get at the dollar store). Different things were worth different amounts. Like I said it worked great and the kids loved it.
I think there was only one time that someone didn't get paid but I will let you guess who didn't get their Bowler Buck. (And no it wasn't me)