Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No, It Doesn't Make Me Feel Old

This is pretty late, but I still wanted to post about Jane's big important birthday! We have an 8 year-old in the house! Jane's birthday was a couple weeks ago, but she's been counting down for months. Her desktop wallpaper says "It's great to be 8!" She makes her own wallpapers with Photoshop. I should post some of them here because they're kinda cool. Anyway, I would have to agree that in many ways, it is great having an 8 year-old in the house. Lately, on the weekends, Jane has been getting up with the younger 2 kids and helping them get breakfast while I stay in bed a little longer. Two weeks ago, on Sunday, I walked out of my room and was greeted by 3 kids who were all fed and dressed for church. Shoes too! Jane knows how to make brownies all by herself and she can handle some pretty big chores (if properly motivated). It's nice to be able to rely on her for some real help instead of the kind of hindering helping that Lucy does when I let her cook or clean with me.

For her birthday, we gave Jane a shrink-art jewelry book from Klutz Press that comes with instructions and supplies to make real jewelry from shrinky dinks plastic. I'd have to say it's the best $25 I ever spent on a kid. She has been making jewelry for herself, Lucy, her friends at school and even earrings for me non-stop. Here she is with her favorite butterfly necklace.

For her birthday party, she got to go on a girls' night with her cousin and my sisters and mom. We went out to eat and then painted pottery together. As you can see, Jane painted a fish.

She requested a new dress for her baptism day and I was happy to oblige. She was so much more excited for her baptism than I remember being when I was 8. It was really nice to see so many friends and family all gathered to support Jane on her big day.

And just to illustrate what a thoughtful young lady Jane is growing up to be, I thought I would post this lovely sign that Jane made for Lucy. I hope you enjoy the bloody scab that is dangling from Lucy's knee in the middle of the picture.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Young Women Handout

Lesson 35: Living Righteously amid Pressures

I use a lot of other people's handout ideas for my lessons, so I thought I would share one of my own.

This is sized to fit on a package of Orbit gum. Get it? Chews? Click Here for a whole sheet of these to print off.