Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Wow. It's been a busy week. I don't think I remember having so much crammed in one week. Having Monday off was nice. In fact, a fellow blogger gave us the idea to go ice blocking (actual ice) at the park. Jane was pretty skeptical at first and was really disappointed that we weren't going to spend the whole time on the slides, etc. I was pretty skeptical myself having only done this when I was in high school and remembering that it never worked all that well the first time you went down. To my surprise (and Jane and Lucy) I cruised down the hill the first time and confirmed my status as the "coolest dad ever". Jane was hooked. Lucy was more interested in watching than actually sliding down.

I also did something that I have been wanting to for a long, long time. I went on a ride a long with our favorite cop. That was one of the coolest things I've done in awhile. Here's a summary of our night:

  • Tended to a couple accidents

  • Responded to a house alarm (false alarm)

  • Went to some psycho old lady's house and told her there was nothing we could do (actually we left before she finished her life story)

  • Pulled over some pimped out SUV driver for watching TV

  • Took a guy convicted of DUI off the road for driving with a suspended license and took him to jail (btw we had his car towed and someone locked the keys in the car... with it running. They towed it anyways.)

  • Backed up another officer busting 2 illegal immigrants for drugs and driving on suspended license. (Oh, and on that one as the officers were holding the 2 guys, I pulled out my trusty surefire (flashlight), went down the street and found the baggy of cocaine that they tossed out of their car before the other officer could pull them over)

Not the most exciting night but pretty eventful if you ask me. More eventful than I was expecting. I am beginning to believe that it is the coolest job ever. Thanks favorite cop.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Are you afraid of the dark?

Over the last few nights Lucy has been extremely scared of going to bed. She continues to want to prolong the nightly routine. Not to just stay up but because she has been just scared when she goes to bed. We know this is just a phase and we need to comfort as much as we can without perpetuating that there is a need to be afraid. Tonight, as we got closer to bedtime, Lucy was again getting more and more anxious about going to bed. In the midst of Lucy's apprehension, Hailee asked her what she was so afraid of. Without skipping a beat she walks over to the light switch, flicks the light off and says, "That!"